Stop Treating Yourself Like a Bad Break Up!


There are times in our lives when we go through hurtful situations or we allow people to hurt us. When this happens, we tend to treat ourselves like a bad relationship that went wrong. We go through a stage when we do not trust our decisions and therefore we are left not trusting ourselves. We also go through a stage of being fearful of things that may happen in our lives. Then we experience a stage of unforgiveness for allowing people to hurt us and for the decisions that we have made. There may come a point when we do not love ourselves and we feel like we are not good enough to move forward. There may be questions in our minds like - are we really worthy of being happy, is it possible to be happy or is it possible to experience happiness? We may go through a period of time where we struggle with giving ourselves permission to heal and try again. We do not realize the restraints that we put on ourselves mentally and emotionally. We have to trust ourselves again, we have to forgive ourselves, love ourselves and realize that no matter what happened in the past, we still deserve happiness. We have to allow ourselves to heal and tell ourselves it is okay to try again! Our mental state has to be healthy and strong enough to not allow any bad situation to have power over us. We have to believe that we are good enough for the next experience.

Stop allowing the wrong situation in your past keep you from a better situation you could experience in the near future. Are you still stopping yourself from moving forward?

La’Toya, Certified Life Coach