Discovering Your Purpose by Serving Others


Have you ever wondered why do I exist? What am I good at? What should I be doing in life? How can I help and make a difference in society?

You wake up day after day with the same routine going through life mechanically, sometimes feeling worthless, lost, confused and working just to pay bills. Inside of you is a sense of emptiness, curiosity and a feeling of being incomplete and unaccomplished. You search to fulfill those feelings through your work, your spouse, your kids, family or by staying busy - hoping that one day you will figure it out. You try to ignore your feelings but in your quiet time, periodically it rises back up! Most of the time the revelation of your purpose is right there in front of you! You are more than likely already acting in it. It’s the gift that you were born with that comes natural to you - anything that comes natural to you takes little thought and effort. You are not burdened by it and you find a sense of joy and peace in it. Your purpose will also give you a sense of who you are, self-worth and direction. You wake up knowing why you exist and that “you matter”.

I used to work at an office on a lower income side of town. When I started working there it used to grieve my heart and spirit to see so many people panhandling and in need. I was from a different area of town and it wasn’t so close up and personal. I actually felt like a red dye in the area of darkness. Knowing of different scams, I had the desire to help but I didn’t want to be taken advantage of…however, I decided to follow my heart. People started coming in my path who I shared my lunch with and encouraged. My desire was…if I couldn’t always help monetarily, I would give them hope and the feeling that regardless of their situation “they mattered.” I remember there was a homeless guy sitting down outside of my office one day. I was on my lunch break and I walked by and lightly spoke as usual when he comes around. He said to me, “Miss Toya, guess what? My birthday is today!” I stopped, smiled at him and wished him a happy birthday. At that moment I felt a mixture of emotions. I felt good because it was his birthday, but I was sad because he was homeless and spending his days sitting down on a curb of a retail parking lot. My heart said, “everyone wants to feel celebrated on their birthday and feel that their life matters too.” I only had 30 minutes left of my break and I went next-door to Walmart to buy him an individual slice of birthday cake - I knew he didn’t have anywhere to put a whole cake. I ran back and gave it to him saying happy birthday once again with a big smile. He was so grateful, that his eyes and smile lit up by surprise. He thanked me several times with tears in his eyes. I knew it wasn’t much, but it made him feel like he mattered and someone cared.

There are things like that which I’ve found myself doing because it brings me joy to give someone else a sense of joy. It helps me feel like I mattered because I helped someone else feel like they mattered. I later learned that it wasn’t just a coincidence that certain people were put in my path. I found my purpose in serving others. I couldn’t do much sometimes, but my heart desires were to ease people’s pain and struggles by acts of kindness. With that said, there are people and things that you are passionate about which tug at your heart to make a difference. Serve others and you will find your purpose. Someone needs you and what you have to offer to society. Find your purpose and share it.

La’Toya, Certified Life Coach