It’s OK to be ADULTING!


Are you between the age of 19 and 29? Do you find yourself feeling stuck between being old enough to be called an adult, but yet still young and inexperienced? Do you find yourself feeling frustrated not knowing where to start and where to go to find the resources you need? Then you realize that you do not even know what you really want to become in life! Maybe you changed your mind on what you want to be or have different interests now. Everyone is expecting you to go from high school straight to college or jump into working or get your own place and be successful in life. The surprising twist is...what if college is not working for you? Do you want to continue accumulating debt from student loans? What if you go to college, get your degree and still struggle with being hired for a job you have your degree in? What’s next? You constantly wonder if you have enough income to survive. Are you ready to be alone away from the comfort of your family? Everyone has expectations for your life but there is no real blueprint that prepares you for life and the adversities you will face. Realization hits you that your biggest fear is failing at this thing called “Adulting.”  

I want you to know that it is ok to be adulting!!! All of your fears, unstable decisions and lack of knowing what to do next is OK! There is a stage of mental, emotional and physical preparation that you need to go through that is vital to your process of adulting. You need guidance, positive influence, resources, and someone to tell you every step of the’s ok, you got this! Guess what, you are not alone! There are more people that feel the same way you do! You have to trust that it is ok to be adulting, you just need to be ready for the process.

La’Toya, Certified Life Coach