Lessons of Nature

Be still in silence....listen, discern and seek what your spiritual being and nature is showing you. Every essence of nature has a command and purpose that in turn reflect our lives.


The Rain cleanses and washes away the old. It waters the soil in preparation of new growth. The Storms come to cause enough havoc to make one seek shelter, quiet down and be still, so that the process of the unseen items of the atmosphere will align themselves. The Sun is a sign of a new day. The sun dries up the excess rain that was not penetrated by the soil. It nurtures everything that needs to grow and bloom. The Rainbow unexpectedly comes out after the rain, but yet right before the sun. It gives you a sense of peace and hope. Its beauty and multitude of different colors seem to have you gazing in amazement as each color is perfectly aligned across the sky; leaving you with a belief of how creative our creator is and the assurance that the storm is now over. The Wind gives everything a path to breathe and to be refreshed. It removes obstacles that are not needed. The Trees are even moved by the wind. They at times look like they could possibly fall, but they rarely do because they were created to withstand the hard blows that come their way. They still stand strong and unmovable until the gushing winds are over.

So I say...find time to be quiet and to be still so you can listen and discern the lessons that nature is showing you. You will find guidance and inspiration in their purpose that connects with your spiritual being more than you were ever aware of.

La’Toya, Certified Life Coach