Who or What Occupies Your Front Row Seat?

Have you ever felt stressed out, depressed, overwhelmed, or found yourself seconds from having an anxiety attack? I truly believe we all have at some point in our lives! You will find that most of the time, these emotions come from things that we ALLOW to occupy the front row seats in our lives.

In reality, a lot of these emotions are self-inflicted! Yes, SELF inflicted! Why do I say that? Our Creator gave us the authority and free will to choose who and what we allow in our lives, and He promised us that He won’t put no more on us than we can bear. So with that being said, WE self-inflict ourselves with too much sometimes that it gets too hard for us to handle. 

We make choices daily about what we allow and not allow to affect us. You have to evaluate who you choose to have front row seats in your life. These people are the ones that have the most influence over your mental and emotional state. Their problems become your problems and what goes on in their lives either makes a positive or negative impact on your life as well.


Ask yourself what things in your life have you allowed to take up most of your focus and energy? You have to ask yourself, are you a workaholic, do you not take time out to rest your mind, are you taking on too many task, are you trying to fix everything and everybody, or do you always like to be in control?

When you find yourself in an overwhelming emotional space, this is when your body is speaking to you saying, "help me, this is too much!" Your mental, emotional, and physical being will get to a point where there is not enough room for you to perform your tasks, goals and purpose. You will go into shutdown mode!

When this happens, what do you do? Do you continue to allow yourself to go downhill? Stop and think who and what is sitting in the front row seats of your life? Who and what deserves to continue to occupy this space, and who and what needs to be reassigned to a different seating area?

In doing a self-evaluation you may find that some people and things have occupied their seats too long and serve no purpose to you, therefore they need their seats taken away. They are only occupying space. These people and things contaminate your space or cause conflicting issues because they are not aligned with you and your purpose in your life. Some people and things need to be moved all the way to the balcony of your life because they are of non-importance at that moment in time. They can be moved closer in due time.

As you are re-assigning seats, you won’t be so foggy, your vision is clearer, and you may be able to also see what you have on a back row seat that now needs to be moved closer. It may have been neglected and may need your attention. Sometimes shifting and re-assigning people and things in your life are necessary. If someone or something does not contribute to the building up of your purpose in life at that moment, they do not get to have front row seats and they are causing more harm than good. 

Remember that front row seats have limited occupancy and are sometimes reserved for VIP’s (Very Important People). These people and things need to be your biggest inspirations and cheerleaders, they are necessary for you as your audience. They will keep you grounded and empowered and make your being on stage easy, not hard, so that you can be confident in your performance. So if you find yourself caught up in a world wind of negative emotions, check who and what you have occupying your front seats, it may be time to re-assign seats.