Hmmmm...Did somebody say "RECREATE”? Indeed, I did! Are you feeling stuck, bored, unaccomplished, not productive, miserable, and that feeling that there has to be something better than what you are doing now? It is that internal signal that gets louder and louder, telling you its time to do something different. The signal that is telling you that you have been stopped at the red light too long and now you have the green light to move forward towards that next level or accomplish - that next goal.


First, you have to evaluate yourself, people, and things around you and decide two things; what do I need to LET GO of and what do I need to ALLOW in my life? Sometimes we allow things that are not good for us and don't allow things that should be good for us. It is never too late to recreate your atmosphere! It is ok if you start out one way but yet as you grow; your needs, wants, and desires may change. The longer you stay in a situation that you have outgrown, you will become unhappy and uncomfortable. Some things and people that you have allowed in your space need to be evicted from your space. They have been occupying space in your life, but they hold no value or purpose in the direction you are ordained and destined to go in. You have to remember that the creating lies in your hands. If there are things or people that you need to let go, let it go so that you can make room for things that you need to allow in your life; that will bring you peace, joy, and prosperity. A big part of your happiness in life is about being bold enough to recreate your atmosphere when necessary, and having the wisdom to know what you should allow and what you should let go of.

Recreating gives you a fresh wind, a pathway to breathe, and a clearer perspective. Are you ready to recreate your atmosphere? YOU...are in Control. Let's do it!

-Coach, La’Toya